Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/138

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write and read, and ride and rin for me. Tell him the time's coming now, and the weird's dree'd and the wheel's turning. Bid him look at the stars as he has looked at them before; will ye mind a' this?"

"Assuredly," said the Dominie, "I am dubious—for, woman, I am perturbed at thy words, and my flesh quakes to hear thee."

"They'll do you nae ill though, and maybe muckle gude."

"Avoid ye! I desire nae good that comes by unlawfu' means."

"Fule-body that thou art," said Meg, stepping up to him with a frown of indignation that made her dark eyes flash like lamps from under her bent brows, "Fule-body! if I meant ye wrang, could na I clod ye ower that craig, and wad man ken how ye cam by your end mair than Frank Kennedy? Hear ye that, ye worricow?"

"In the name of all that is good," said the Dominie, recoiling and pointing his long pewter-headed walking cane like a