Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/144

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this night, and to do what I desire him in that letter, as he would wish

That Bertram's right and Bertram's might
Should meet on Ellangowan height.

"I have seen him twice when he saw na me; I ken when he was in this country first, and I ken what's brought him back again. Up, and to the gate! ye're ower lang here—follow me."

Sampson followed the sybil accordingly, who guided him about a quarter of a mile through the woods, by a shorter cut than he could have found for himself; they then entered upon the common, Meg still marching before him at a great pace, until she gained the top of a small hillock which overhung the road.

"Here," she said, "stand still here. Look how the setting sun breaks through yon cloud that's been darkening the lift a' day. See where the first stream o' light fa's—it's upon Donagild's round tower—the auldest