Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/148

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Meg Merrilies, and making for the dining parlour.

"Na, ye need na gang in there, the cloth's been removed an hour ago, and the Colonel's at his wine; but just step into my room, I have a nice staik that the cook will do in a moment."

"Exorcizo te!" said Sampson,—"that is, I have dined."

"Dined! it's impossible—wha can ye hae dined wi', you that gangs aut nae gate?"

"With Beelzebub, I believe," said the minister.

"Na, then he's bewitched for certain," said the housekeeper, letting go her hold; "he's bewitched, or he's daft, and ony way the Colonel maun just guide him his ain gate—Waes me! Hech, sirs! It's a sair thing to see learning bring folk to this!" and with this compassionate ejaculation, she retreated into her own premises.

The object of her commiseration had