Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/159

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flowing in elf-locks from beneath it, a long red cloak, and a staff in her hand, headed with a sort of spear point—it was, in short, Meg Merrilies. Hazlewood had never seen this remarkable figure before; he drew up his reins in astonishment at her appearance, and made a full stop. "I think," continued she, "they that hae ta'en interest in the house of Ellangowan suld sleep nane this night; three men hae been seeking ye, and you are gaun hame to sleep in your bed—d'ye think if the lad-bairn fa's the sister will do weel? na, na!"

"I don't understand you, good woman," said Hazlewood: "If you mean Miss——I mean any of the late Ellangowan family, tell me what I can do for them."

"Of the late Ellangowan family?" she answered with great vehemence, "of the late Ellangowan family! and when was there ever, or when will there ever be a family of Ellangowan, but bearing the gallant name of the bauld Bertrams?"