Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/166

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Hazlewood family, failing me—I should have thought and believed, I say, that this would have justified me sufficiently in the eyes of the most respectable and greatest part of the people, for taking such precautions as are calculated to prevent and impede a repetition of outrage."

"Really, sir, I must remind you of what I have often said before, that I am positive the discharge of the piece was accidental."

"Sir, it was not accidental; but you will be wiser than your elders."

"Really, sir, in what so intimately concerns myself"——

"Sir, it does not concern you but in a very secondary degree—that is, it does not concern you, as a giddy young fellow, who takes pleasure in contradicting his father; but it concerns the country, sir; and the county, sir; and the public, sir; and the kingdom of Scotland, in so far as the interest of the Hazlewood family, sir, is com-