Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/199

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"Why, I was loth to risk any opportunity of throwing light on this business. The woman is perhaps crazed, and these effusions may arise only from visions of her imagination;—but you were of opinion that she knew more of that strange story than she ever told."

"And so you sent a carriage to the place named?"

"You will laugh at me if I own I did."

"Who, I?—no, truly, I think it was the wisest thing you could do."

"Yes, and the worst is paying the chaise-hire—I sent a post-chaise and four from Kippletringan, with instructions corresponding to the letter—the horses will have a long and cold station upon the out-post to-night if our intelligence be false."

"O, but I think it will prove otherwise. This woman has played a part till she believes it; or, if she be a thorough-paced im-