Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/214

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"Yes, sir, the same you knew in India; and who ventures to hope, that what you did then know of him is not such as should prevent his requesting you would favour him with your attestation to his character, as a gentleman and man of honour."

"Mr Brown—I have been seldom—never—so much surprised—certainly, sir, in what passed between us, you have a right to command my testimony."

At this critical moment entered the counsellor and Dinmont. The former beheld, to his astonishment, the Colonel but just recovering from his first surprise, Lucy Bertram ready to faint with terror, and Miss Mannering in an agony of doubt and apprehension, which she in vain endeavoured to disguise or suppress. "What is the meaning of all this?" said he; "has this young fellow brought the Gorgon's head in his hand?—let me look at him.—By heaven!" he muttered to himself, "the very image of old Ellangowan—the witch has kept her word." Then instantly pass-