Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/241

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"I was strangely oblivious—aye, aye—too true—But you remember your worthy father?"

"How should you doubt it, Mr. Sampson? it's not so many weeks since"——

"True, true—aye, too true—I will be facetious no more under these remembrances—but look at that young man!"—

Bertram at this instant entered the room. "Yes, look at him well—he is your father's living image; and as God has deprived you of your dear parents—O my children, love one another!"

"It is indeed my father's face and form," said Lucy, turning very pale; Bertram ran to support her—the Dominie to fetch water to throw upon her face—(which in his haste he took from the boiling tea-urn) when fortunately her colour returning rapidly, saved her from the application of his ill-judged remedy. "I conjure you to tell me, Mr Sampson," she said, in an interrupted yet solemn voice, "is this my brother?"