Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/275

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be termed gigantic. Accordingly, the knights of the Round Table did not recoil with more terror from the apparition of the loathly lady placed between "an oak and a green holly," than Lucy Bertram and Julia Mannering did from the appearance of this Galwegian sybil upon the common of Ellangowan.

"For God's sake," said Julia, pulling out her purse, "give that dreadful woman something, and bid her go away."

"I cannot," said Bertram, "I must not offend her."

"What keeps you here?" said Meg, exalting the harsh and rough tones of her hollow voice, "Why do you not follow?—Must your hour call you twice?—Do you remember your oath?—were it at kirk or market, wedding or burial,"—and she held high her skinny forefinger in a menacing attitude.

Bertram turned to his terrified companions. "Excuse me for a moment, I am