Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/300

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encounter the combined power of two such men as Bertram himself and his friend Dinmont, without reckoning their unexpected assistant Hazlewood, who was unarmed, and of a slighter make; but Bertram felt there would be neither sense nor valour in anticipating the hangman's office, and he considered the importance of making Hatteraick prisoner alive. He therefore repressed his indignation, and awaited what should pass between the ruffian and his gypsey guide.

"And how are ye now?" said the harsh and discordant tone of his attendant: "Said I not it would come upon you—aye, and in this very cave, where ye harboured after the deed?"

"Wetter and sturm, ye hag! keep your deyvil's mattins till they're wanted. Have you seen Glossin?"

"No: you've missed your blow, ye blood-spiller! and ye have nothing to expect from the tempter."