Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/326

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the barrister; "but if I don't deserve double fees from both Lucy and you when I conclude my examination of Dirk Hatteraick to-morrow—Gad I will so supple him!—You shall see, Colonel, and you, my saucy misses, though you may not see, shall hear."——

"Aye, that's if we chuse to listen, Counsellor."

"And you think it's two to one you won't chuse that?—But you have curiosity that teaches you the use of your ears now and then."

"I declare, Counsellor, that such saucy bachelors as you would teach us the use of our fingers now and then."

"Reserve them for the harpsichord, my love. Better for all parties."

While this idle chat ran on, Colonel Mannering introduced to Bertram a plain good-looking man, in a grey coat and waistcoat, buck-skin breeches, and boots, "This, my dear sir, is Mr. Mac-Morlan."

"To whom," said Bertram, embracing