Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/337

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balling with a wretched old mad woman, who, I understand, was shot in a late scuffle, and with other tinkers, gypsies, and persons of that description, stirring up the tenants against their landlords, which, as Sir Robert Hazlewood of Hazlewood knows,"——

"Not to interrupt you, Mr. Glossin," said Pleydell, "I ask who you say this young man is?"

"Why, I say, and I believe this gentleman (looking at Hatteraick) knows, that he is a natural son of the late Ellangowan, by a girl called Janet Lightoheel, who was afterwards married to Hewit the shipwright, that lived in the shire of Annan. His name is Godfrey Bertram Hewit, by which name he was entered on board the Royal Caroline excise yacht."

"Aye?" said Pleydell, "that is a very likely story!—but, not to pause upon some difference of eyes, complexion, and so forth—be pleased to step forward, sir."——A young seafaring man came forward.——"Here's the real Simon Pure—here's