Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/355

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this place to excite much curiosity or interest.

In the morning, faithful to his promise, Mac-Guffog came—"Mr. Glossin," said he, in a whispering voice.

"Call louder," answered Dirk Hatteraick.

"Mr. Glossin, for God's sake come away!"

"He'll hardly do that without help," said Hatteraick.

"What are you chattering there for, Mac-Guffog," called out the captain from below.

"Come away for God's sake!" repeated the turnkey.

At this moment the jailor made his appearance with a light. Great was his surprise and even horror to observe Glossin's body lying doubled across the iron bar, in a posture that excluded all idea of his being alive. Hatteraick was quietly stretchered upon his pallet within a yard of