Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/363

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chamber, entitled, Mr. Sampson's Apartment.—"Prodigious, prodigious, prodigious!" shouted the enraptured Dominie.

Mr. Pleydell had left the party for some time; but he returned, according to promise, during the Christmas recess of the courts. He drove up to Ellangowan when all the family were abroad but the Colonel, who was busy with plans of buildings and pleasure-grounds, in which he was well skilled, and took great delight.

"Ah ha!" said the Counsellor, "so here you are! Where are the ladies? where is the fair Julia?"—

"Walking out with young Hazlewood, Bertram, and Captain Delaserre, a friend of his, who is with us just now. They are gone to plan out a cottage at Derncleugh.—Well, have you carried through your law-business?"

"With a wet finger; got our youngster's special service retoured into chancery. We had him served heir before the macers."