Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/43

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which our memory plays us; the remnants of an old prophecy, or song, or rhyme, of some kind or other, return to my recollection upon hearing that motto—stay—it is a strange jingle of sounds:

"The dark shall be light,
And the wrong made right,
When Bertram's right and Bertram's might
Shall meet on——

"I cannot remember the last line—on some particular height—height is the rhyme, I am sure; but I cannot hit upon the preceding word."

"Confound your memory," thought Glossin, "you remember by far too much of it."

"There are other rhymes connected with these early recollections: Pray, sir, is there any song current in this part of the world, respecting a daughter of the King of the Isle of Man eloping with a Scottish knight?"