Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/77

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and other papers, belonging apparently to a person of the same name."

"And wilt thou attempt to persuade me, friend, that there are two persons in this country at the same time, of thy very uncommon and awkwardly sounding name?"

"I really do not. see, sir, as there is an old Hazlewood and a young Hazlewood, why there should not be an old and young Vanbeest Brown. And, to speak seriously, I was educated in Holland, and I know that this name, however uncouth it may sound to British ears"——

Glossin, conscious that the prisoner was now about to enter upon dangerous ground, interfered, though the interruption was unnecessary, for the purpose of diverting the attention of Sir Robert Hazlewood, who was speechless and motionless with indignation at the presumptuous comparison implied in Bertram's last speech. In fact, the veins of his throat and of his temples swelled almost to bursting, and he sate