Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/86

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"It cannot be so hard as my imprisonment by the Looties in India," thought he, "nor can it last so long. But the deuce take the old formal dunderhead, and his more sly associate, who speaks always under his breath, they cannot understand a plain man's story when it is told them."

In the meanwhile Glossin took leave of the Baronet, with a thousand respectful bows and cringing apologies for not accepting his invitation to dinner, and venturing to hope he might be pardoned in paying his respects to him, Lady Hazlewood, and young Mr. Hazlewood, upon some future occasion.

"Certainly, sir," said the Baronet very graciously. "I hope our family was never at any time deficient in civility to our neighbours; and when I ride that way, good Mr. Glossin, I will convince you of this by calling at your house as familiarly as is consistent—that is, as can be hoped or expected."——

"And now," said Glossin to himself, "to find Dirk Hatteraick and his people,