Page:H.M. The Patrioteer.djvu/285

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services on behalf of loyal opinion in Netzig. … I am sure you never thought I could be as nice as that," he added, for Diederich kept bowing from his chair, looking dazzled and seized with sudden weakness. "I can hardly say," he murmured, "… my modest services …"

"It is the first step that counts," said Wulckow. "This is only a little encouragement. Your attitude in the Lauer trial was pretty good. Your call for cheers for the Emperor during the debate at the Council set the anti-monarchical press by the ears. In three different places around the country-side complaints of lèse-majesté have been raised on the head of it. We must, therefore, show you some mark of our appreciation."

Diederich cried: "My highest reward is the fact that the 'Lokal-Anzeiger' brought my humble name to the attention of His Gracious Majesty himself!"

"Well, now, won't you take a cigar?" Wulckow concluded, and Diederich understood that they were now coming to business. Already a doubt had arisen in the midst of his elation as to whether Wulckow's condescension had not some special motive. He said, as a feeler:

"The town, I am pretty sure will sanction its quota for the line to Ratzenhausen."

Wulckow thrust his head forward. "So much the better for you. Otherwise we have a much more inexpensive scheme, in which Netzig will not be involved at all. So see that those people learn sense. On that condition you will have the privilege of furnishing your light to the Quitzin estates."

"The Council doesn't want that." Diederich pleaded with his hands for consideration. "The town loses on the transaction, and Herr von Quitzin pays no taxes to us. … But now I am a municipal councillor as well as a loyal patriot. …"

"I must insist on that, otherwise my cousin, Herr von Quitzin, will simply instal his own electric plant. He can get that cheap, as you may imagine; two cabinet ministers come