Page:H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476 (1976) Page 223.djvu

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royalty fee for the period covered by the statement, computed on the basis of specified percentages of the gross receipts from subscribers to the cable service during said period for the basic service of providing secondary transmissions of primary broadcast transmitters, as follows:
(i) ½ percent of any gross receipts up to $40,000;
(ii) 1 percent of any gross receipts totalling more than $40,000 but not more than $80,000;
(iii) 1½ percent of any gross receipts totalling more than $80,000, but not more than $120,000;
(iv) 2 percent of any gross receipts totalling more than $120,000, but not more than $160,000; and
(v) 2½ percent of any gross receipts totalling more than $160,000.
Where actual gross receipts paid by subscribers to a cable service total less than $40,000, gross receipts for the purpose of this subparagraph shall be computed by subtracting from such actual gross receipts the amount by which $40,000 exceeds such actual gross receipts, except that in no case shall a cable system’s gross receipts be reduced to less than $1,500.
(i) 0.675 of 1 per centum of such gross receipts for the privilege of further transmitting any nonnetwork programming of a primary transmitter in whole or in part beyond the local service area of such primary transmitter, such amount to be applied against the fee, if any, payable pursuant to paragraphs (ii) through (iv);
(ii) 0.675 of 1 per centum of such gross receipts for the first distant signal equivalent;
(iii) 0.425 of 1 per centum of such gross receipts for each of the second, third, and fourth distant signal equivalents;
(iv) 0.2 of 1 per centum of such gross receipts for the fifth distant signal equivalent and each additional distant signal equivalent thereafter; and