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Gageler CJ
Gleeson J
Jagot J


Background to the appeal

The appellant was charged with 25 counts, each concerning an alleged sexual offence against one of two complainants, referred to as K and E, including when K and E were under 16 years of age. The appellant is K and E's uncle. The counts involved offences alleged to have been committed between December 1989 and September 2001. The appellant was about 25 to 37 years old during the charge period; K was about six to 18 years old during the period.

The trial judge directed acquittals of the appellant on counts 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 23. Of the remaining 19 counts, the appellant was convicted on six counts and acquitted of 13 counts. The counts on which the appellant was convicted all related to K. Those counts were:

  1. count 1 (maintaining a relationship of a sexual nature with K, a child under 16 years, between 31 December 1989 and 19 September 1999 with two circumstances of aggravation, namely, (i) unlawfully and indecently dealing with K, a child under 16 years; and (ii) wilfully and unlawfully exposing K, a child under 16 years, to an indecent act by himself);
  2. counts 3 and 4 (unlawfully and indecently dealing with K, a child under 16 years, between 31 December 1994 and 20 September 1996);
  3. count 5 (wilfully and unlawfully exposing K, a child under 16 years, to an indecent act by himself, between 31 December 1994 and 20 September 1996);
  4. count 14 (unlawfully and indecently dealing with K, a child under 16 years, between 18 September 1997 and 19 September 1998); and
  5. count 17 (the alternative verdict of unlawful carnal knowledge of K, between 18 September 1997 and 20 September 1999)[1].

The counts on which the appellant was not convicted were:

  1. a circumstance of aggravation of count 1 (rape of K during the maintaining of the relationship of a sexual nature with K, a child under 16 years);
  2. count 2 (maintaining a relationship of a sexual nature with E, a child under 16 years, between 9 August 1994 and 10 August 2000);

  1. R v HCF [2021] QCA 189 at [1]–[3].