Page:HKFactSheet CivilService 052015.pdf/3

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departmental levels. Centrally, there are the Senior Civil Service Council, the Model Scale 1 Staff Consultative Council, the Police Force Council, and the Disciplined Services Consultative Council. Through these councils, the Government consults staff on any major changes which affect their conditions of service.

At the departmental level, there are Departmental Consultative Committees which aim to improve cooperation and understanding between management and staff through regular exchanges of views.

There are established channels to deal with staff grievances and complaints. Individual members of staff with problems can receive counselling, advice and help.

A Staff Suggestions Scheme is run by both the CSB and departments to encourage staff to make suggestions for improving the efficiency of the civil service. Awards are given to those whose suggestions are found useful.

A Staff Welfare Fund is available for welfare and recreational activities of staff. A Staff Relief Fund provides assistance to staff to meet unforeseen financial needs.

Published by the Information Services Department,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
GovHK Website:
Information contained in this publication may be freely used.
No acknowledgement is necessary.
Civil Services Bureau Home Page address:
May 2015