Page:HKFactSheet Tourism 012007.pdf/3

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travel trade in May 2005 and rolled out the campaign in various long-haul markets by the end of 2005 and from the beginning of 2006 in short haul markets.

Alongside promoting Hong Kong as a preferred tourist destination in Asia, the HKTB places emphasis on developing joint marketing efforts with strategic partners to promote multi-destination tourism and develop new markets. Building on the Pan-Pearl River Delta co-operation agreement, a series of joint overseas marketing initiatives is being conducted with Macau and the nine provincial tourism bureaux concerned. The Government supports the HKTB and the tourism industry to further these efforts.

In the years ahead, the Government will continue to work closely with the HKTB and the trade to maintain Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s world city.

Published by the Information Services Department,
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
GovHK Website:
Information contained in this publication may be freely used.
No acknowledgement is necessary.
Tourism Commission Home Page address:
Hong Kong Tourism Board Home Page address:
January 2007