Page:HKGovGazette Old Series No 77.pdf/2

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Documents necessary previous to grant of Colonial Register. III. And be it further enacted and ordained, That a Colonial Register shall be given under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Officer administering the Government of this Colony on production of the following Documents:—

The Harbour Master's certificate as hereinafter provided by Section VII.
A declaration of ownership with proof thereof to the satisfaction of the Colonial Secretary.
A joint and several Band of the Owner and two Sureties binding each and every of the several obligees under a penal sun of One thousand Dollars, to comply with all the provisions of this Ordinance and with all the laws binding on British Subjects with regard to trade with China.

Name of Colonial Registered ship. IV. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of any Colonial Registered ship or vessel to give her any name other than that of her Registry, and such owner or owners before such ship or vessel shall after registry take in any cargo or leave this Colony are required to paint or cause to be painted in white or yellow letters not less than four inches long her name upon some conspicuous part of her stern in a distinct and legible manner, and both in Roman and Chinese characters, and shall so keep and preserve the same upon pain on breach of the provisions of this section in addition to any other pains and penalties and forfeitures in this Ordinance contained, to a penalty not exceeding Five hundred Dollars.

Production of Colonial Register to Harbour Master every six months. V. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the Register of every Colonial Registered ship or vessel shall be produced once at least every six months to the pain on of production of the forfeiture of such Register, unless satisfactory cause for such non-production be shewn to the Colonial Secretary.

Chinese Crown Lessees entitles to hold Colonial Registers. VI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall be lawful for Chinese Residents within this Colony to apply for and obtain Colonial Registers provided the person or persons applying as owners be registered lessees of Crown lands within this colony and that such owner or owners tender as securities for the due performance by them of all the requirements of this Ordinance two other Crown lessees, and that such owners and such lessees be severally reported by the Registrar General to the satisfaction of the Colonial Secretary to be each worth Two thousand Dollars in this Colony, and should such owner or owners be member or members of any shop or partnership that the seal that the seal of such shop or partnership be also affixed to the security to be given by such owner.

Harbour Master's Certificate. VII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the certificate to be granted by the Harbour Master do specify the proper measurement of the ship or vessel requiring a Colonial Register and that such ship or vessel has proper anchors and chains, canvas sails, her bottom sheathed with metal, and that her master is a British subject or a person conversant with the English language.

Fees payable. VIII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That a fee of Twenty-five Dollars be paid on the granting of the Harbour Master's certificate and that on the issue of every Colonial Register a further fee of Twenty-fire Dollars shall be paid to the Colonial Secretary, and that these two sums shall include all charges necessary for the issue of a Colonial Register.

Change of owner or Master. IX. And be it further enacted and ordained that upon any change of ownership any Colonial Ship or Vessel registered under this Ordinance, such change as aforesaid shall be endorsed upon her Register under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, or Officer administering the Government, upon the payment of a Fee of Twenty-five Dollars to the Colonial Secretary, the requisite Declaration of ownership and and Bond herein before in this Ordinance mentioned and directed being first duly made and executed:—Provided always, that any change of Muster be endorsed upon the Register by by the Colonial Secretary, and that a Fee of Five Dollars be charged for the said endorsement.

Duration of Colonial Register. X. And be it further enacted and ordained, That any Colonial Register granted under this Ordinance shall be in force and in force and effect for one year from the date of such Register and no longer, that such Register be renewable by endorsement on the same, under the hand of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Officer administering the Government, on the payment of a fee on Ten Dollars, provided always that such Register be deposited in the Office of the the Office of the Colonial Secretary one week before the expiration of the been granted, or the registered ship or vessel be at sea, then on her return to the waters of the Colony.

Penalty for violation of Ordinance. XI. And be it further enacted and ordained, That any infringement of the provisions of this Ordinance shall render the Colonial Register ipso facto void, and shall render the ship or vessel sailing under such Register forfeit to the Crown, in addition to the penalty of the bonds herein before set forth.

Application of Fees. XII. And be it further enacted and ordained, That all Fees payable or penalties imposed under this Ordinance shall be paid into the Colonial Treasury, and shall be recoverable in a summary manner before any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace.