Page:HKGovGazette Vol 1 No 3.pdf/10

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The Hongkong Government Gazette.

Sterling (illegible text)
£ s.
By the Proctors.
Retaining Fee 0 7
For attending before the Judge or Judge Surrogate, either in Court or Chambers 0 7
On extracting any Warrant, Monition, Commission, Writ, or other Instrument 0 8
Drawing Libel, Plea, Claim, Affidavit, Act on Petition, Interrogatories, Answers, or any other Proceeding whatever, not herein specified, for every folio 0 1
Fair Copying or Engrossing, for every folio 0 0
For Consultation with Counsel, if any such should be found requisite, preparatory to the final Hearing of a Cause, or otherwise; but no such charge to be made in an undefended Case 0 13
For attendance on Counsel to fee him to peruse, settle, and sign any Libel, Republication, or other Plea, Claim, Affidavit, Act on Petition, Answers, Interrogatories, or other matter, or upon any other occasion that may arise on delivering Papers and feeing Counsel
Note.—Care should be taken not to increase the number of Attendances, or Consultations with Counsel, which ought only to be resorted to when absolutely necessary.
0 10
For any necessary attendance on the Registrar or on the adverse Proctor during the progress of a Cause, to adjust any incidental point in the Suit, or on the Marshal, to instruct him as to the Service of any Instrument, reporting Bail, &c. 0 (illegible text)
On all Office Copies of Depositions, &c., obtained from the Registrar, one-third of the actual sum paid at the Registry is to be added for trouble of collating and extracting the same.
For perusing and considering any Papers, Exhibits, or Documents furnished or introduced into a Cause by the adverse Party, or furnished by a Party to his own Proctor, for the purpose of being brought forward as Evidence in the Suit, if not exceeding twelve folios 0 5
For every additional twelve folios
Note.—These Fees for perusing are, however, not to be charged, nor is any Charge of the kind to be made relative to the original Papers found on board the Vessel, and annexed to the Seizor's Affidavit.
0 2
For attending Informations on the final Hearing of a Cause, when it ocucpies only a short time, 10s.; if a few hours, £1; if a whole day, £1, 10s. 4d. (illegible text)