Page:HKGovGazette Vol 1 No 3.pdf/2

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No. 2.—A Statement exhibiting the Movement of British Shipping in the Trade with the Port of Canton, during the (illegible text) 1854; distinguishing British and Country Ships; and shewing the Number and Tonnage of British Vessels at Whampoa (illegible text) 31st December, 1854.
Britain. Country. Total. Britain. Country. Total.
No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage.
London, 6 2,881 6 2,881 23 14,493 25 14,493
Liverpool, 5 2,067 5 2,067 13 4,789 1 281 13 5,070 Entered.
Bombay, 25 18,690 9 6,720 34 25,410 2 1,039 12 9,202 14 10,241 British 90 Vessels (illegible text)
Calcutta, 3 1,695 8 3,938 11 5,633 1 778 10 5,710 11 4,406 Country 47 Vessels (illegible text)
Tuticorin, 2 1,460 1 734 3 2,194

Hongkong, 24 10,677 9 3,117 33 13,704 11 6,767 4 1,735 15 8,502 Total, 137 Vessels 68,(illegible text)
Amoy, 2 687 1 367 3 1,234 6 3,692 7 1,756 13 5,446
Fuhchau, 1 95 1 95 5 2,129 5 2,219 Cleared.
Ningpo, 1 110 1 110 British 89 Vessels (illegible text)
Shanghae, 2 436 2 436 12 8,276 3 726 15 9,002 Country 47 Vessels (illegible text)
Singapore, 11 5,137 8 2,460 19 7,597 1 299 1 367 2 666

Arracan, 1 420 1 420 Total, 136 Vessels 69,(illegible text)
Batavia, 1 573 1 573
Lombock, 1 236 1 236
Macassar, 1 419 1 419 Of which number entered (illegible text) Ballast.
Manila, 3 1,548 3 1,543 British 26 Vessels 12,(illegible text)
Siam, 1 826 1 826 Country 20 Vessels (illegible text)
Algoa Bay, 1 99 1 99

Cape Town, 1 220 1 220 2 319 2 319 Total, 46 Vessels 17,5(illegible text)
Hobart Town, 1 229 1 229 1 211 1 229 2 440
Melbourne, 1 911 2 535 3 1,446 1 406 2 470 3 876 Cleared in Ballast
Sydney, 2 901 2 614 4 1,515 5 2,332 2 563 7 2,895 British 18 Vessels 11,(illegible text)
Hamburgh, 2 707 2 707 Country 10 Vessels (illegible text)
Halifax, 1 408 1 408

New York, 1 419 1 419 Total, 29 Vessels (illegible text)
Van Couver's Island, 1 277 1 277
San Francisco, 1 739 1 739 Remaining at Whampoa (illegible text) 31st December, 1851.
Callao, 1 925 1 925 British 5 Vessels (illegible text)
Eromango, .. 1 136 1 136 Country 2 Vessels (illegible text)
Isle of Pines, 1 363 .. 1 363

Sandwich Islands, 1 320 .. 1 320 Total, 7 Vessels 3,(illegible text)
Total, 90 49,080 47 19,715 137 68,795 119 48,298 47 20,737 136 69.050