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245. D30 is now aged 63. He is married with two daughters and a son. His father had passed away. He shares a close relationship with his mother. D30 was educated in Hong Kong and is a surgeon by profession specialized in urology. Besides, he started his political life by served as a District Councillor in 1994. He was a LegCo member in the Medical Functional Constituency between 2004 and 2008. Between 2003 and 2006, D30 served in various roles for the Hospital Authority, the Hong Kong Medical Council and Tung Wah Hospital. In 2012, D30 returned to the LegCo through election in the New Territorial West geographical Constituency and remained in that office until late 2020. He has a clear record.
246. We trust that Mr Choy SC has said all that could be said on D30’s behalf. We grant D30 the full one-third discount (28 months) for timely plea which also covers his post-arrest co-operation with the Police. There is an additional deduction of 3-month deduction for his possible mistake as to the lawfulness of the Scheme. We give full weight to the materials contained in his mitigation bundle and his long-term public service and grant him 3-month deduction.
247. Apart from the above, we are unable to identify any other mitigating factors which may reduce the sentence of D30. Therefore, D30 is sentenced to 4 years and 2 months’ (50 months) imprisonment.
248. We are prepared to accept that the chance of D30 re-offending is low and we trust that the authorities would take this into account when considering remission.