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260. Based on his role in the Scheme, 7 years (84 months) would be adopted as the notional starting point. The major mitigation in his case would be his plea. For that he would be given the full one-third discount. In addition, we would also give 3 months and 2 months each respectively for his ignorance of the law and past community work in environmental and animal care.
261. In conclusion, for the offence D32 stands convicted, he is sentenced to 4 years and 3 months’ (51 months) imprisonment.
Candidates for New Territories East
D33 Ho Kwai-lam
262. D33 is now aged 34, a former journalist. She has one criminal conviction in 2021.
263. D33 did not wish to address this Court on mitigation.
264. For the role that D33 participated in the Scheme, we were of the view that 7 years (84 months) should be adopted as the notional starting point. D33 was convicted after trial. As no mitigation was put forward, for the offence D33 stands convicted, she is sentenced to 7 years’ (84 months) imprisonment.
D34 Lau Wing-hong
265. D34 is now aged 31, formerly a community worker. He identified himself to be a member of the localist resistance camp. D34 has one criminal record of riot. In March 2024, he was sentenced to