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284. Mitigation letters from his girlfriend and mother had been produced. They asked understandably for leniency from this Court.
285. For the role D37 participated in the Scheme, 8 years (96 months) would be adopted as the notional starting point. Three months would be given for his ignorance of the law. As D37 was convicted after trial, no further discount would be given.
286. In conclusion, for the offence D37 stands convicted, he is sentenced to 7 years and 9 months’ (93 months) imprisonment. As the riot case predated the present case and the two had no direct relationship to each other, they were two separate and distinct incidents. As such, the 93 months imposed would be ordered to serve consecutively to the riot case. In so ordering, we had considered the issue of totality.
D38 Lam Cheuk-ting
287. D38 is now aged 47, a former LegCo Councillor for New Territories East. He has four criminal convictions, three relating to disclosing identity of person under ICAC investigation and one assaulting, interfering with officer of the LegCo while in the execution of duty.
288. It was submitted that D38 was one of the least involved defendants. He did not attend any coordination meeting. Nor did he sign the IWR Declaration. He also had never mentioned about vetoing the budgets.
289. Mitigation letters from his son, mother, friends and former colleagues of the Democratic Party had been produced. They asked for leniency from this Court.