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Page:HKSAR v. Ng Gordon Ching-hang and others (2024, HKCFI 1468).pdf/19

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Authorities and the authority of the Hong Kong Basic Law, and use Hong Kong to infiltrate and sabotage Mainland China touch on our bottom line and are never allowed.” (emphasis added) (unofficial translation)


「一是坚决维护国家安全。维护国家安全是保证国家长治久安、保持香港长期繁荣稳定的必然要求,是包括香港同胞在内的全中国人民的共同义务,是国家和香港特别行政区的共同责任。任何危害国家主权安全、挑战中央权力和香港基本法权威、利用香港对内地进行渗透破坏的活动,都是对底线的触碰,都是绝不能允许的。」(emphasis added) (Original text in simplified Chinese characters)

25. Secondly, the defence submission was inconsistent with the “5.28 Decision”. The Decision stated:

“6. The National People’s Congress Standing Committee is entrusted to formulate relevant laws on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security, in order to effectively prevent, stop and punish acts and activities to split the country, subvert state power, organise and carry out terrorist activities and other behaviors that seriously endanger national security, as well as activities of foreign or external forces interfering in the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region…” (unofficial translation)

「六、授权全国人民代表大会常务委员会就建立健全香港特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制制定相关法律,切实防范、制止和惩治任何分裂国家、颠覆国家政权、组织实施恐怖活动等严重危害国家安全的行为和活动以及外国和境外势力干预香港特别行政区事务的活动。…」(emphasis added) (Original text in simplified Chinese characters)

The phrase used in Chinese was “任何分裂國家、顛覆國家政權、組織實施恐怖活動等嚴重危害國家安全的行為和活動”. We noted the use of “任何” was not translated in the text of the unofficial translation.