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THE CHAIRMAN: Under House Rule X, clause 11(g)(1), the committee may disclose publicly any information in its possession after a determination by the committee that the public interest would be served by such disclosure.

Pursuant to House Rule X. clause 11(g)(1)(a), the committee shall meet to vote on the matter within 5 days after a member of the committee requests such a vote.

In accordance with the public announcement issued on January 27, 2018, and the meeting requirement under House rules, the chair will entertain the written request by. Mr. King as an other matter consistent with the committee‘s notice.

Accordingly, the chair moves, pursuant to House Rule X, clause 11(g), to make public the information contained in the classified executive session memo made available to the House by the committee on January 18. 2018.

Do any members wish to be heard on the motion?

MR. KING: Mr. Chairman.


MR. KING: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. Chairman, as the members of the committee know, a few weeks ago we voted to make available to the full membership of the House a memorandum compiled by the majority staff explaining what we saw were some troubling abuses by the FBI and the Department of Justice. More than 200 of our colleagues on both sides of the aisle have come to our committee space; signed a nondisclosure agreement, and reviewed the memorandum.

On January 19, the day after we voted to make this memorandum available to the Members of the House, the committee received a letter from 65 of our colleagues asking us to make this memorandum public under the rules of the