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Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/11

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  3. The Contents of the Chapters and Paragraphs in the second Booke of the Second part of Purchas his Pilgrims.
  4. CHAP. I.—Continued.
  5. § 4.
    The voyage of Master Anthony Jenkinson, made from the Citie of Mosco in Russia, to the Citie of Boghar in Bactria, in the yeere 1558, written by himselfe to the Merchants of London, of the Moscovie Companie.
  6. River Mosco. Cazan. Merchants Iland. River Cama. Vachen Hords. River Samar. Licoris plentie. Sturgeon. Miserable Famine. Caspian Sea, Astracan, Hill Accurgar, Tartarian Prophet. River Jaic. Azi an holy Tartar. Manguslave Port. Great Wildernesse, Scarsitie of water, base living. Gulfe. Urgence. Vicious living. Huge Sheepe. Rovers and theeves. Divining sorcerie. Battell with Theeves. Guns very profitable. River Oxus. Sandie wildernesse. Strange Worme. Coyne. Tartarian usage. Kingly justice. Merchandises and Commodities. Land-tempests in Tartaria, and Sea-tempests in the Caspian. Caspian Sea described. Ill trade in those parts. Cathay Newes.
  7. § 5.
    Advertisements and reports of the sixt voyage into the parts of Persia and Media, gathered out of sundrie Letters written by Christopher Borough; and more especially a voyage over the Caspian Sea, and their shipwracke and miseries there endured by the Ice.
