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THE TABLE The Contents of the Chapters—Continued. page § 1. Of the name, scite, and greatnesse; the Tributaries, commoditie, arts, printing, seales, inke, pencill-pennes and fannes.411 Variety of China names. Greatnesse of the King and Kingdome. Provinces, Regions, Cheu, Hien, numbers, Souldiers, &c. China Porcelane, Buildings, Chia, Varnish, Fire-workes, &c. China Printing, Painting, Musike, Comedies, Seales, Fannes. § 2. Of their Characters and writing downeward: their studies, Ethikes, Astrologie, Physike, authentike Authors, Degrees how taken both Philosophicall and Militarie.421 Characters effects. Court Tongue. Confutius. China Arts. Astrologie, Eclipses, Physicians; Confutius and his three degrees. Licentiates Examination and Degree. Doctors; Elder Brother. Degrees tàm Marti, quàm Mercurio. § 3. Of the Tartarian conquest; Of Humuu the Establisher of the present government. The Revenues. Magistrates in the Courts Royall, Provinces, Cities, Orders, Exaltations, Visitations, Deprivations.431 Royaltie and Nobilitie. Humvus Lawes. Kings Revenues. Six Courts and Colai, Choli, Zauli. Hanlin College. Yunlo removes the Court. Symmetry of Magistrates. Nine Orders; distinguished; goodly Order. Severitie. Bribes. Strangers. § 4. Their manifold rites in Salutations, Entertainments, and other civilitie: to the King and Magistrates: Of Burials and Marriages, Birth-dayes; their Men, Women, Names and Games, Habites.441 True Valour Courtesies. Hot drinkes. Bifields Bladder-stone. Banquet-rites. Drinke and drinking. Royall rites, colour, Armes. Titles, Honours for vertue. Rites for the dead. Marriages. Wives, portion, feast-dayes, men and women, habite; Names. Seales, Seats, Ships, Masters, Games, Theeves.