THE TABLE page The Contents of the Chapters and Paragraphs in the third Booke of the second part of Purchas his Pilgrims. CHAP. I. - A Treatise of Russia and the adjoyning Regions, written by Doctor Giles Fletcher, Lord Ambassadour from the late Queene, Ever-glorious Elizabeth, to Theodore then Emperour of Russia, a.d. 1588.
499 Russian Shires, Conquests, Largenesse, Soyle, Seasons. Cold and heat extreame; Rivers of Russia; Fruits. Commodities and Merchandise of Russia. The Commodities of the Countrey of Russia. Changeable Hares and Squirrels. Hawkes, Eagles; Fish plenty. Treacherie of bondslaves. Jaruslave. Russe building. Race of the Russe Emperours. Manner of their Coronation. Inauguration of the Emperour of Russia. Their Government. Sovereigntie, Jurisdiction, Appeales; States of Parliaments. Parliament forme and matter. Nobilitie of little or no abilitie. En quo discordia cives Perduxit miseros! Degrees of Nobilitie. Title Vich. Gentilitie, Merchants, Artificers. Secretaries, Officers, Commissioners or Presidents of Shires. Government of Mosko. The Emperours Counsell. Counsell of State. Customes, Revenues; Offices of Receit; Office of Chetfird. Rents, Customes, great Income, Amercements. Souldiers fee. Treasury, Revenue, Rent-furres; Mysteries of mischiefe. Oppression, Tyranny; strange devices to get money. Servile estate of the Russian Commonaltie. Three rich Merchants. Russes no travellers; Emperours jealousie. Courts of Justice. Ending of controversies. Lot judgement. Shin-beating. Executions; no written Law; Emperours Guard, Pensioners. Russe Horsemen, Footmen, Mercenaries, Captaines, Leaders. Russes mustering, forces. Armour, provision, marching, &c. Manner of Russe fights. Walking Castle. Reward for valour. Lituania. Narve. Mosko fired. Lamentable slaughter. Emperour of Russe his homage. Tartars Conquest; manner of Fight. Miserable Captivitie, Tartar Religion, Idols, Sorcerie, Marriage. Moveable Citie. Divers kindes of Charters, Cruell,