Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/453

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Various substances esteemed liberall.
differing from the vulgar, and savouring of Antiquitie and Learning.

There is another Art not unlike, of making Inke for all writing, made into little Cakes or Balls of the smoke of Oyle. For their estimation of exact writing makes the making of Inke also to be holden an Art not illiberall. They use it on a Marble smooth stone; with a few drops of water rubbing those Balls, and colouring the stone, Pensils in stead of Pens. thence taking it with a Pensill of Hares haires wherewith they write.

Fannes. Fannes also are in much use by both Sexes for the causing of winde to coole them in Summer. No man may goe abroad without a Fanne, although the weather be cold, and the winde already bee importunate: the use being rather for ornament then necessitie. They are made of Reeds, Wood, Ivorie, Ebonie, together with Paper or Silke, and a certaine odoriferous Straw, in round, ovall, or square forme. The chiefe men use them of Paper gilded with plaits to be let in or out, and therein inscribe some pithie sentence or Poeme. These are the most common gifts or presents (as Gloves in Europe) and we have a Chist full of them sent us by our friends. In other things the Chinois are liker ours, using Tables, Stooles, and Beds (which the adjoyning Nations doe not, but sit on Carpets on the floore) to eate or sleepe.

[III. ii. 384.]

§. II.

Of their Characters and writing downward: their Studies, Ethikes, Astrologie, Physike, Authentike Authors, Degrees how taken both Philosophicall and Militarie.
Cap. 5. Monosyllable Language, as also our proper English is almost wholly.NOw, for their more liberall Arts, and Literate-degrees, this Kingdome differs from all others: in which their Learned beare principall sway. The China words are Monosyllables, not one otherwise, howsoever two or three Vowels sometimes are conjoyned into