Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/465

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A DISCOURSE OF CHINA These have some representation of Aristocratie, in that Government: for though they doe nothing but first petitioning the King, hee also determines nothing without their sollicitation. And if a private man petitions (which is seldome, because Officers are appointed to examine Petitions before the King sees them) the King, if hee will grant it, sends it to the Tribunall proper for that businesse, to advise him what is fit to bee done. I have found for certaine, that the King cannot give Money or Magistracie to any, except hee bee solicited by some Magistrate : I meane this of publike Revenues ; which doubtlesse doe exceed one hundred and fiftie Millions yearely, & are not brought into the Palace Treasurie, nor may the King spend them at his pleasure : but all whether Money or Rice and other things in kinde, are layed up in the publike Treasuries and Store-houses, in all the Kingdome. Thence the expenses of the King his Wives, Children, Eunuches, Family, and of all his Kindred are in Royall sort disbursed, but according to the ancient Lawes, neither more nor lesse. Thence the Stipends of Magistrates and Souldiers and all Officers thorow the Kingdome are paid : the publike Buildings, the Kings Palace, Cities, Walls, Towres, Fortresses and all provision of War are thence sustayned, which cause new Tributes sometimes to be imposed, this huge Revenue notwithstanding.

Of Magistrates are two sorts, one of the Court which rule there, and thence rule the Kingdome ; and other Provinciall, which governe particular Cities or Provinces. Of both sorts are five or six Bookes to be sold every where, printed twice each moneth at Pequin, as by their course of printing (you have seene) is easie ; contayning nothing else but the name, Countrey, and degree of the Magis- trates ; and therefore printed so often because of the exaltings, shiftings, setting lower, death of Parents (which suspends three yeares to mourning in private) their owne deaths or deprivations.

Of the Court Tribunals are reckoned sixe ; the first, Lipu (Pu is asmuch as Tribunall or Court, and Li, as

Kings Revenues 150. Millions.

How dispensed.

Bookes of Officers.

I. Li pu, or Court of Magistrates.
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