Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/477

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fined to drinke, with others disport. None is compelled to drinke above his strength. Their drinke is tipsie, boyled like our Beere. Their solemne Banquets last all night, the remainders given to the Guests servants. Neere the end of the Feast they change Cups. In eating they are more moderate.

King observed.The King is observed with more Rites then any other in the World. None speakes to him but his Eunuches, and those which live in his Palace, Sonnes and daughters. None of the Magistrates without the Palace (the Eunuches also have their degrees) speake to the King but by Petitions.Petition, and those with so many formes of veneration that none can make them, which is not well exercised, though he be learned. Every New yeere which beginnes with that New MooneNew Moone. which next precedeth or followeth the Nones of February, out of every Province a Legate is sent to visite the King, which is done more solemnely every third yeere. Also in every Citie on every Change day, all the Magistrates assemble to one place in their Citie, where the Kings Throne and Dragon-ensignes are carved and gilded, often bowing and kneeling before it with peculiar composition of the body to veneration, and wish ten thousand yeers of life to the King. The like is done on his Birth-day. Birth-day yeerely, the Pequin Magistrates and Provinciall Legates, and the Kings kindred make their appearance there and presents. All also which are named to any Office by the King goe to give thankes to the Throne (for the King is not there) with rites prescribed with habite peculiar to that purpose, with an Ivorie Table covering their mouth as oft as they speake before the King: the King was wont to come forth to a window, with such a Table in his hand, and another on his head, over his Crowne hanged about with threads of gemmes, his face hidden in presence from the beholders.

Kings colour yellow, Sun-like.The Kings colour is yellow (forbidden to others) of which his garment is wrought with many golden Dragons, Dragons.which are carved or painted in all the Palace, and Vessell, and furniture ; in the roofe also; whence some have