Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/88

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flourishes of stile, beyond a translation, as if his Authour had not said enough. The variety, if it had beene meerly devised, presents I know not how many entercourses as interludes of Comicke and Tragicke events, more worthie the reading then most in this kinde, and as fit to recreate: how much more, where veritie is (as I suppose) the ground and substance, though perhaps inlayed with other phantasies among. That the Jesuites in some things differ, is their authoritie against his, who as more learned and judicious, and longer experienced, might finde out some truths better then hee; as his various fortunes, and that time, might let him see many particularities which they could not, writing sixtie yeeres after. In many things they both agree: and Gaspar de Cruz hath many the same things; and that his strange Relation of the Crosse in China and the Hungarian of the Mount Sinai, is delivered by Lucena, perhaps learned by some of His companie: and these exceptions by mee mentioned, are rather præoccupations of censorious judging my judgement, then my judiciall sentence, which the judicious will suspend, and leave to better experience. Judicent posteri; veritas Temporis filia.