Jesus Christ is our model, and we are saintly when we are like unto Him; and we are so much the more like Him in proportion to our conformity to the will of God. Thus does He not say that He is not come to do His will, but that of His Father?
In fine, our perfection and holiness consists in charity. Charity is the fulfilment of the law, says St. Paul. Perfect charity consists in doing the will of God in the highest sense it can be placed. "He who keeps my commandments and does my will," says Jesus Christ himself, " is he who loves me " (John xiv.)
You are sometimes in anxiety; if you love God, that is a just subject of uneasiness. If you are always ready to do His will and to submit to it, then be sure that you love Him.
Conformity to the will of God also makes a man happy as God, who is happiness itself.
What is it that makes God infinitely happy? It is that He does all that He wills; it is that He wills all that is good; it is that He finds in Himself all the good that He wills.
Thus a man perfectly conformed to the will of God possesses all these blessings.
He does what he wills because he only wishes for what God wills; because it fulfils also, in whatever manner it may be, His fulfilment also.
He also wishes only for that that is good, for he wills only what God wills.
In conclusion, he finds all things good in themselves; for his conformity to the will of God, united as it is to God, makes him possess God; and what benefit can fail to occur to him who possesses God?
Le Pere Nepveu.
Reflex. Christiennes.