6.— On the Presence of God.
Pere Nepveu and Father Faber.
"The sinner hath provoked the Lord—God is not before his eyes."
— Psalm x.
God sees me. Ah, what a phrase is this for him who understands it well! How capable it is to control our passions, to moderate our desires, to prevent us from sinning, to sustain our courage, to animate our fervour, to regulate our conduct!
God sees me. He is ever present, always mindful of me, thinks ever of me; whereas I heed Him not, I am not attentive to Him, I never think of Him. Oh! shame, shame!
God sees me. With what respect and modesty ought I not to behave in His presence! The seraphim hide their faces with their wings, and I, a mere worm of the earth, do not tremble.
God sees me. Shall I dare, in the presence of Thy glance so infinitely pure, commit deeds which I dare not even show to man? Shall I dare to sin in Thy presence, knowing that sin and the sinner is hated by Thee, and to condemn the sinner Thou hast no wish?
God sees me. He penetrates into the innermost recesses of my heart; He sees therein every desire, and discerns every intention. With what purity of intention then ought I not to perform every action.
God is present not only by the immensity of His being,