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12.— On the Mercy of God as displayed in our Afflictions and Tribulations.

St. Chrysostom and Bishop Flechier.

"Tribulation worketh patience; and patience trial, and trial hope." —Romans v. 4.

Jesus Christ has forewarned us that we should be persecuted in this world. St. Paul, in like manner, says that all they who wish to dwell in Christ will suffer great afflictions, not only through the agency of man, but through the instrumentality of the devil and his angels.

Job emphatically says that the whole of our life here below, is one chain of temptations?

Why then should we be so sensitive of tribulations, if such be the period fixed for all kinds of afflictions?

You would indeed have just cause to groan if you had passed through a life of pleasure and sensual delight — a time which our Saviour has allotted for troubles, vexations, and mortifications.

If you are inactive, or apt to pine, buckle on your armour and fight courageously; if you walk on the broad path when the narrow way is recommended, what will your lot be? what fearful thoughts will be in store for you!

Quote, I entreat you, a single instance of a person who, after leading a cowardly indifferent life, has participated in, the reward God has promised to His elect.

We must always keep in mind that our Saviour warns