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For the opening of the new Theatre, Sept. 1, 1821,
to be spoken by Mr. Olliff.

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Enlightened as you were, you all must know
Our playhouse was burnt down some time ago,
Without insurance. ’Twas a famous blaze,
Fine fun for firemen, but dull sport for plays;
The proudest of our whole dramatic corps
Such warm reception never met before.
It was a woeful night for us and ours,
Worse than dry weather to the fields and flowers.
The evening found us gay as summer’s lark,
Happy as sturgeons in the Tappan Sea;
The morning, like the dove from Noah’s ark,
As homeless, houseless, desolate as she.

But thanks to those who always have been known
To love the public interest, when their own—
Thanks to the men of talent and of trade,
Who joy in doing well when they’re well paid—
Again our fireworn mansion is rebuilt,
Inside and outside, neatly carved and gilt,