Page:Halsbury Laws of England v1 1907.pdf/892

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A GEl^GY— continued. urban

authorities, contracts of, 156

See custom. verbal authority, construction of, 161 wager, loss of agent's right of remuneration in case of, 196 recovery by principal of money paid to abide, 231 warrant, factor's authority to, 167 warranty of authority, breach of, 221, 222 will, termination of agency at, 231 written authority, construction of, 163 usage.

wrongful dismissal, 230


See Action, 49



Agriculture, 276

Animals, 386—388.

Contract and various titles in connection with which they occur.


adulteration, fertilisers and feeding stuffs, 285 291 hay and straw, 291 hops, 291 limitation of actions to recover penalties, 290, 292 seeds,


agistment, bankruptcy of agister, no reputed ownership, 276 agricultural analyst, 287 291

powers as

county borough council, 289 county council, 289 agricultural gan^s, licences, penalties etc 276 agricultural holding, meaning of, 239, 259 to, of



See also


compensation for improvements, 258 notice to quit part of agricultural holding for purposes of, 242 analyst, agricultural, 287 291 .animals, powers of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 298. See also arbitration on compensation and other claims, 263 266


on purchase of fixtures, 273 bankruptcy of tenant, 275 covenant to consume hay and straw, 275 rent in arrear deducted from valuation, 217 " reputed ownership," 276 six months' rent distrainable, 256 trustee carrying on tenancy, 275 year's notice to quit unnecessary, 241 Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 280, 289—292,

297—299. See Allotmen



Animals. Colorado beetle, 280 («) constitution and powers, 297 control of dogs, 281, 298 destructive insects, fungi, and pests, 280 diseased animals, 298 land charges, granting of, to landlords, who have paid compensation etc., 298 markets and fairs, weighing accommodation for sale of cattle, 292, 298 prosecution under Fertilisers and Feeding iStuffs Act, consent of Board to, 290 regulations as to sale and adulteration, 289 292 •cattle, sale by weight, 292

charge on holding for compensation, 266 Colorado beetle, removal or destruction of tainted crops, 280 compensation for crops destroyed to prevent spread of pests, 280 damage by game, 277, 278 improvements, 258 271. See also Allotments. agreements excluding right, when void, 262

allotments, 258

arbitration, provisions for, 263 266 arbitrator's award, 265 capital money applicable, 267 change of tenancy during one occupation, 262 charge on holding, certificate, registration etc., 266 county court, powers, etc., of, 259, 265, 266, 268, 269 Crown and Duchy lands, 268, 270 definitions, 259

.determination of tenancy, 242 .disability, where landlord under, 268 (

