Page:Hamilton play 1917.pdf/145

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r. front of sofa. Schuyler has worked across at back and is coming down l.

[Coming by l. of table to her rapidly.] In a few moments, dear—in a few moments, and then I'll come.

But you look so tired, dear—so tired and old. I've never seen you look old before.

I've grown old in your absence, dear. I'll come in a few moments—very soon.

And we'll look at the shops—and you'll be my boy again.

[Kisses her hand.] Yes, dear.

[Coming to l. c.] I don't think we need to ask Mrs. Hamilton to withdraw. Our business is over, and I apologize for having kept him so long. You came to take the reins, eh, Mrs. Hamilton? I think I will go before you use the whip. [Schuyler has joined Betsy by this time. Jay draws Hamilton away to c.] I sincerely regret that you should have been subjected to this.

[Down l. in front of table. By instinct.] Is something the matter, father?