Page:Hamilton play 1917.pdf/31

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commenced to make a nation of you. I tell you I have known all the great men of my time—Pitt, Fox, Washington,—and of them all it is my boast that know Alexander Hamilton. Adieu!

[He sweeps out, l. u. e. to the street. During the following dialogue there is general movement and talking amongst the crowd; some laugh tolerantly, others shake their heads in doubt. The First Man rises and bowing to the man he has been talking to, crosses to the man at the fireplace who is reading the paper, has a few words with him and then exits up r. The man he has been speaking to, down r., rises and is joined by the man who has been sitting on the other side of the table, r.; they take arms and stroll out up l., chatting as they go. One of the Quakers goes into the street l. and the other comes to c. and watches the men who are playing chess; he afterwards sits in the upper corner of settle l. of fireplace. Reynolds strolls up and takes down a pipe from mantel. He chats a moment with a soldier who is sitting l. of table r. The man who was reading the paper goes off r., leaving the paper on settle.

Why, the crazy ——

Hush! He's right, friend, he's right. Hamilton is a great man, but his energies are misdirected.

[Rises and moves to c.