Page:Hamlet - The Arden Shakespeare - 1899.djvu/57

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Hor. Indeed, my lord, it follow'd hard upon.

Ham. Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked-meats[b 1] 180
Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables.
Would I had met my dearest foe[b 2] in heaven
Or ever I had [a 1] seen that day, Horatio!
My father,—methinks I see my father.[a 2]

Hor. O where,[a 3] my lord?

Ham. In my mind's eye, Horatio. 185

Hor. I saw him once; he was a goodly king.

Ham. He was a man,[b 3] take him for all in all,[a 4]
I shall not look upon his like again.

Hor. My lord, I think I saw him yesternight

Ham. Saw? who?[a 5] 190

Hor. My lord, the king your father.

Ham. The king my father!

Hor. Season your admiration[b 4] for a while
With an attent[a 6] ear, till I may deliver,
Upon the witness of these gentlemen,
This marvel to you.

Ham. For God's[a 7] love, let me hear. 195

  1. 183. Or ever I had] Q, Ere I had ever F, Ere ever I had Q 1.
  2. 184. My father,—] Rowe, My father! Cambridge, O my father, my father, Q 1.
  3. 185. O where] F, Where Q.
  4. 187. in all,] in all Q, in all: F.
  5. 190. Saw? who?] F; Saw, who Q 1, Q.
  6. 193. attent] Q, F; attentive Q 1, Qq 4–6, Ff 3, 4.
  7. 195. God's] Gods Q, Heavens F.
  1. 180. baked-meats] pastry. Collins: "It was anciently the general custom to give a cold entertainment to mourners at a funeral. In distant counties this practice is continued among the yeomanry.".
  2. 182. dearest foe] Clar. Press.: "Dear is used of whatever touches us nearly either in love or hate, joy or sorrow." In 1 Henry IV, III. ii. 123, we find "near'st and dearest enemy."
  3. 187. a man,] Edwin Booth, in delivering this speech, paused after "man," giving it as if something higher than "king."
  4. 192. Season your admiration] Temper your astonishment. Compare, for "season," II. i. 28, and for "admiration," III. ii. 342. So in Massinger's The Renegado, III. iii., "Season your admiration."