Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/78

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agreement, balam.
ai, constantly, habitually.
aim, zeil.
air, lut.
al, to.
alik, every.
alim, every one.
alive, lifik.
all, valik.
almanac, kaled.
almost, ti.
along, ve.
alphabet, lafab.
already, ya.
also, so, thus.
also, i.
alteration, vot (-ön),
although, do.
America, Melop,
(-ik, -el).
among, bevü.
amount, suäm.
and, e.
angel, lanel.
angle, gul.
angry, zunik.
animal, nim.
anik, some.
to announce, nunön.
to annul, nosön.
another, votik.
ans, some [people].
answer, gesag, gepük.

to answer, gesagön,
ape, lep.
apod, apple.
to appear, jinön.
appetite, pötit.
apple, apod.
appropriate, pötik.
April, folul,
arbitrary, vülik.
arch, bob.
archbishop, lebijop.
arithmetic, kalav.
arm, lam.
army, milit.
around, zi.
article, laltüg.
artillery, känem.
as, as, in the capacity of.
as, as, äs.
to ascend, xänön.
ascent, xän.
to be ashamed, jemön.
Asia, Silop.
to ask, säkön.
ass, cuk.
assembly, lasam.
assistance, yüf.
to assure, fösefön.
to be astonished, stunön.
at, this, this one.
at, len.
ataflano, on this side.