gift in opening his eyes to the foot-writing of the trail. It is like giving sight to the blind man, like the rolling away of fogs from a mountain view, and the trailer comes closer than others to the heart of the woods.
Dowered with a precious power is he, '
He drinks where others sipped,
And wild things write their lives for him
In endless manuscript.
The 'American Morse Telegraph Alphabet
A •- B -••• C •• • D -•• E • F •-• G --• H •••• I •• J -•-• K -•- L - M -- N -• O • • P •••• Q ••-• R • •• S ••• T - U ••- V •••- W •--
X •-•• Y •• •• Z ••• •
& • ••• $ ••• •-•
1 • -- • 2 ••-•• 3 •••-• 4 ••••- 5 --- 6 •••••• 7 --•• 8 -••• 9 -••- 0 -
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Comma, •-•- Semicolon, Si Colon. Ko Period ••--•• Interrogation,-••-• Quotation, Qn Paragraph, ---- Exclamation, Parenthesis, Pn Brackets, Bn Dollar mark, Sx Dash, Dx Hyphen, Hx Underline, Ux
4. Start me. 5. Have you anything for me? 9- Train order (or important military message)—give away. 13. Do you understand?