Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/23

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LESSON VI.—Relationships.

  1. Who are you?
  2. He is my father.
  3. Have you a mother?
  4. When did you marry?
  5. More than ten years ago.
  6. How many children have you?
  7. I have several.
  8. How old is the eldest.
  9. The eldest is a girl.
  10. Is she married?
  11. How many brothers have you?
  12. One elder brother, one younger.
  13. Have you any sister?
  14. I have one elder sister and one younger.
  15. Are you married?
  16. I am engaged, but not married yet.
  17. When are you going to be married?
  18. It is not fixed yet.
  19. I fancy I shall get married next year.
  20. What is this child crying for?
  21. He is hungry.
  22. Give him something to eat.
  23. Call the nurse to carry him.
  24. Take him out for a walk.
  25. He doesn't want to come.
  26. Never mind whether he wants or not.
  27. This is my nephew.
  28. Is he a native of the place?
  29. What does he come here for?
  30. He has come to buy things.
  31. When is he going back?
  32. In two or three days.