Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/50

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Fetch, to Kheeay x x li.
Few Dzeeay,
Fight, to Seeay-p'ah.
Fine, to Hwaht.
Fingers Ts'eeoo-dzoy.
Finished Wahn-leeow.
Fire Hooay.
Fire a gun, to P'ah ts'eng.
First, at Khee-tow.
First, the Toy-it.
Fish Her.
Flesh Nek.
Flies Ho-seen.
Flood-tide Teeay-tooah.
Floor Low-pahng.
Flour Meo.
Flowers Hooay.
Foot Khah; (measure) ts'eeay.
Fork Ts'eh or ts'ay.
Foreign Yeeay.
Fox Swah-kow.
Fresh (as fish, fruit etc.) Ts'ee.
Fry, to Looah; dzeeyen.
Fruit Kooay-dzee.
Full Mwah or mooah.
Gamble, to Pwah; pwah dzee.
Garden Hooay-hng.
Gardener Dzeng-hooay-nahng.
Gay Nyeeah-nyeeah.
Get up, to Khee-li.