Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/54

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Ladder, a T'ooee.
Ladder, to bring a Tah t'ooee li.
Lamp Teng.
Lantern Tong-lahng.
Large Tooah or twah.
Last (of months, years etc.) Tjeeay.
Late Ooah.
Laugh, to Ts'eeay.
Lawn Ts'ow-po.
Lazy Lahn-tooah.
Leaf, a (either of books or trees) Heeay.
Leak Low.
Learn, to Aw; hak-seep.
Leather P'ooay.
Leave, to ask Kaw kay.
Left hand Dzaw ts'eeoo.
Leg Khah.
Leisure Oy.
Lond Tjeeay.
Let go, to Pahng.
Letter Seen.
Lie down, to Taw.
Lies, to tell Sooay hwong.
Light (not heavy) Khoon.
Light (not dark) Kng-kng.
Light, to (lamps etc.) Teeyen.
Lightning Teeyen-hooay.
Like Ts'een-ts'eeay.
Like, to I-seeay.
Lime Hooay.